Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello everyone! If you are reading this it is probably safe to say that you are a close friend or relative. I just want to let you know that though emma and I are perhaps a bit farther away then usual we send you our love. I wrote this not long after we finally made it to California. I will post more stories and pictures from our trip and new home in the days and weeks to come. Enjoy...

After much consideration and contemplation about the future, Emma and I have moved to Santa Cruz, CA. At the suggestion of Ben I've decided to try to blog about our trip and how things progress as we settle in to our new home for family and friends. Because the job scene is pretty tight around here I've decided to put ads on this page to perhaps generate a small amount of capitol while we search for work.
I'm going to start by recapping our cross country trip (which was fantastic). Something that I had never done and had been intensely jealous of all my friends who had already made similar voyages. This is all that I knew though before we left. I had no idea how to plan such a trip and was kind of at a loss for how to go about it.
Luckily I have Emma, a master organizer of the first degree. She sat down on the computer and in an hour had a trip schedule mapped out for us on our calender. All that was left to do was call people and let them know we would be coming through. The first people on our way out west were Erik who lives in Bloomington, IN where he goes to grad school, Mr. and Ms. Tipping who live in Kansas City, and Seth, who had just moved to Denver a few weeks earlier. It felt like it was a mark of good fortune that everyone we knew lived no more then 10 hours from each other.
I could say a lot about before we actually got on the road. There was a lot of packing and finishing up of projects in Oneonta and then Allentown, but we kept to our schedule and left for Bloomington on November 23.

We left a little bit later then we had planned because even though we got up on time we realized that the car was completely full and we still had our overnight bags to stow, so we spent another two hours repacking the car.

We left Allentown at approximately 9:30 and began our drive to Erik and the University of Indiana.

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